Stage 1 Extending through Week of 9/7

Sept. 4, 2020

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,

In his press briefings this week, President Robbins announced that the University will continue in Stage 1 next week.  See the September 3 briefing and the September 1 briefing for more details.

As such, the College of Law will continue holding all classes and services online, with the exception of hands-on, in-person components for some clinics and externships.

You can always check the UA Covid Updates webpage, where you can see both status and a current report of testing and outcomes.  The university has added an “Instruction Stage Overview” section to its COVID-19 Updates webpage that lists the stage for the current and upcoming weeks.  We suggest you bookmark this page to easily locate the latest reentry information from main campus.

President Robbins has called for all members of the UArizona community to follow guidelines and common sense on and off campus. Yesterday, President Robbins began with this observation and plea: 

We are seeing some concerning non-co​mpliance with University health and safety guidelines on and off campus.  The vast majority of our students are complying.  I see them, I talk to them.  They are trying to do the right thing.  But a small number who do not follow the guidelines and adhere to directives can spoil this for everyone.  For all of us.  And it is not just the experience on campus, and continuing to get credit for courses that are taken.  It is actually endangering people's lives.

Our College of Law community has been and, we believe, will continue to be leaders in the university’s COVID response.  Please continue following all public health guidelines as you enjoy your Labor Day weekend!

Marc, Bernadette, and Leah

on behalf of the Arizona Law COVID Task Force Implementation Team

Extra Info

Additional details and guidance from University of Arizona Law on the novel coronavirus COVID-19.