Law school publications contribute to legal scholarship and explore new areas of research in the theory and practice of law.
Student editorial boards work under the direction of student and faculty leadership to publish regular volumes, which can include notes or articles from scholars nationwide, jurists, and students whose writing and research reflects professional and scholarly quality. Editorial boards are selected every spring in a competitive process with established selection criteria.
Arizona Law’s student-run journals allow many students to gain highly valued skills, as they learn to research, write, and edit as well as manage the publication’s business operations.
Arizona Law Review
Founded in 1959, the Arizona Law Review is a general-interest academic legal journal, edited and published quarterly by Arizona Law students.
The Arizona Law Review has published symposia, major empirical research projects, and articles from a wide variety of scholars.
Find out more about the Arizona Law Review.
The Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law
The Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law (AJICL) is an internationally distributed semi-annual publication dedicated to quality legal scholarship. AJICL publishes articles on a wide variety of international and comparative law topics with the goal of providing a forum for debate on current issues affecting international legal development. In addition to two annual issues, AJICL is also committed to publishing symposia that highlight international legal developments and emerging areas of international law.
Visit the AJICL website.
The Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy
“Being an editor on AJELP was a tremendous way to learn environmental law. From writing a Comment to reviewing submissions to editing articles, the exposure you get to a range of current environmental topics can’t be replicated — in either a classroom or an office.”
— Patrick Hall, Class of 2012
The Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy (AJELP) is an interdisciplinary online publication that examines environmental issues from legal, scientific, economic, and public policy perspectives. The student-run journal publishes articles on a rolling basis, providing timely legal and policy updates of interest to the environmental community.
View AJELP’s website to read the current issue and learn more about this innovative contribution to student scholarship and environmental dialogue.
Arizona Law Journal of Emerging Technologies
The Arizona Law Journal of Emerging Technologies (AZLawJET) is a collaborative, interdisciplinary journal partnering the College of Law with the UA science and engineering departments, business schools and others. Together, members from these departments guide legal scholarship in response to the challenges and opportunities presented by advancing technologies. In order to do this, AZLawJET publishes annual editions of extensive findings and legal reasoning in addition to rolling publications regarding the latest technological developments and ideas.