LWA- Talk to a 2L




A piece of advice often given to 1Ls is talk to a 2L about it! COVID-19 has made the passing of the baton (or should we say outlines) much more difficult this year. Hence, LWA will be hosting a monthly "Talk to a 2L" event with our board members! We all have different experiences, goals, and outlooks on law school. January's Talk to a 2L will be a happy hour with Morgan Mihohich and Martyna Sawicka. Morgan is the LWA president, a student attorney in the prosecution clinic (also spent this past summer with the Pima County Prosecutor's Office), and will be an Army JAG intern this summer. Martyna is the LWA Communications Chair, a student attorney in the Domestic Violence law clinic, a member of the Arizona Law Review, and will be returning to Snell & Wilmer as a summer associate. Come talk to us-- bring your questions, your worries, or your requests for property flowcharts. See you on Zoom January 28th at 5 PM; link: rebrand.ly/Talktoa2L