THE REHNQUIST CENTER is pleased to announce the third annual National Conference of Constitutional Law Scholars. This year's event will be held entirely via Zoom due to the pandemic but will otherwise follow a similar format to previous years, with a series of panels organized by subject matter moderated by Distinguished Commentators. To avoid Zoom fatigue, the program will be limited to a single, short day on Saturday, March 6, 2021. The goal of the conference is to create a vibrant and useful forum for constitutional scholars to gather and exchange ideas each year. To that end, the program will include opportunities for informal, small-group discussion between panels. Jamal Greene will deliver a keynote address. Distinguished commentators for 2021 include:
> Guy Uriel Charles
> Maggie Lemos
> Melissa Murray
> Caleb Nelson
> Jane Schacter
> Lawrence Solum
Registration is free at http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=y6oeipdab&oeidk=a0…, and all constitutional law scholars are invited to attend.