Please join the Daniel F. Cracchiolo Law Library for a Book Talk featuring co-editors Professor Tessa Dysart, Assistant Director of Legal Writing and Clinical Professor of Law, and Professor Tracy Norton, Associate Professor of Legal Process (Touro College Law Center), in conversation with Professor Christopher L. Griffin, Jr., Director of Empirical & Policy Research. They will be discussing Professors Dysart and Norton’s new book, "Law Teaching Strategies for a New Era: Beyond the Physical Classroom," the first comprehensive book on online legal education. “Law Teaching Strategies” explores techniques, tools, and strategies that can assist all types of law professors in the online environment. This simultaneous in-person and zoom event will take place on Tuesday, August 31, 2021, 12:00 – 1:00 pm in Room 237 (Faculty Lounge). Post-event takeaway lunch will be provided for those in the Faculty Lounge (max. capacity 30). Zoom link - https://arizona.zoom.us/j/88214889254.
Please contact Barbie Montoya (barbiemontoya@arizona.edu) with any questions.