Please join the Daniel F. Cracchiolo Law Library for a Book Talk featuring Carolyn Williams, Associate Professor of Legal Writing and Assistant Clinical Professor of Law, in conversation with Professor Paul Bennett, Clinical Professor of Law and Director of Clinics, and Diana Simon, Associate Professor of Legal Writing and Assistant Clinical Professor of Law. They will be discussing the ALWD Guide to Legal Citation (7th ed., 2021) which Prof. Williams authored.
The ALWD Guide to Legal Citation explains legal citation formats for all types of legal documents in a clear, pedagogically sound manner. One of the Guide’s fundamental goals is to be a restatement of the rules of citation to make citation easier to teach, easier to learn, and easier to do. Prof. Williams will talk about the history of citation, her philosophy of teaching citation, and how the 7th edition of the ALWD Guide is preparing students for practice in a new era of learning.
This simultaneous in-person and zoom event will take place on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 12:10 – 1:00 pm in Law Library Room 135. Post-event takeaway lunch will be provided for those in Room 135 (max. capacity 24) https://arizona.zoom.us/j/86761314266.