Please join Arizona Law and our Program for Criminal Law and Policy (PCLP) on Wednesday, September 15, at 12 noon for a presentation by Justin Oshana. Justin Oshana was the lead Army prosecutor in United States v. Bergdahl, the court-martial of Private Bowe Bergdahl for desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. He also was a defense attorney in United States v. Hasan, the capital court-martial of Major Nidal Hasan for the 2009 Fort Hood shootings. Oshana is currently an Assistant United States Attorney in Philadelphia and a Major in the Army Reserves. This event will be presented in-person at the College of Law and also streamed for remote viewing. The Zoom link for this event will be sent to all registrants the day prior to the presentation.
Register here: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eih9l…