999 Announcement
Are you thinking about seeking a Legal Paraprofessional (LP) license to deliver legal services in Arizona? Hear from state and law school experts about the LP program and eligibility requirements and pathways. Submit your questions in advance to help shape the agenda (due by 5pm on Thursday, September 16)!
- Dave Byers, Director, Administrative Office of the Courts
- Suzanne Porter, Manager, Legal Service Programs, Administrative Office of the Courts
- Kristy Clairmont, Legal Paraprofessional Program Coordinator, University of Arizona College of Law
Moderator: Keith Swisher, Director of the BA in Law and Master of Legal Studies Programs, University of Arizona College of Law
DATE: Monday, Sept 20, 2021
TIME: 4:30-5:30pm Arizona time
REGISTER: https://arizona.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYoc-6upjsuG9MScRwzWubII4AJUj…