THE REHNQUIST CENTER is pleased to announce the National Conference of Constitutional Law Scholars. The online conference will be held on Feb. 19, 2022. Registration is free and all constitutional law scholars are invited to attend.
The conference goal is to create a vibrant and useful forum for constitutional law scholars to gather and exchange ideas each year. To that end, the program will include opportunities for informal discussion between panels.
Papers will be presented in panel sessions, organized by subject, with commentary by a distinguished senior scholar. Additional information about the conference, including a link to the draft program, can be found here: http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=tekvbkebb.0.0.y6oeipdab.0&id=preview&r=3&p=… Lee Epstein (Washington University St. Louis) will deliver the keynote address.
Distinguished Commentators for 2022 include:
- Maggie Blackhawk (NYU)
- Cary Franklin (UCLA)
- Richard Re (Virginia)
- Josh Chafetz (Georgetown)
- Jennifer Nou (Chicago)
- Fred Smith (Emory)
Additional Presenters:
- Payvand Ahdout -- Separation of Powers Avoidance
- Jill Anderson & Kiel Brennan Marquez -- Robotic Interpretation Rachel Bayefsky -- Contrition and Compulsion: Court-Ordered Apologies and the Constitution
- Jacob Bronsther & Guha Krishnamurthi --Optional Legislation Christine Chabot -- Interring the Unitary Executive
- Nathan Chapman -- Qualified Immunity and the Rule of Law
- Katherine Crocker -- Qualified Immunity, Sovereign Immunity and Systemic Reform
- Travis Crum -- The Lawfulness of the Fifteenth Amendment
- Craig Green -- Beyond Statehood Yuvraj Joshi -- Equality Compromised
- Andrea Katz & Noah Rosenblum -- The Origins of the Administrator-In-Chief: Myers and the Progressive Presidency
- Gerard Magliocca -- Robert Jackson's Non-Delegation Doctrine
- W. Kerrel Murray -- Discriminatory Taint
- Aaron Nielson & Christopher Walker -- Congress's Anti-removal Power
- Ryan Scoville -- The International Commitments of the Fifty States
- Bijal Shah -- Beyond Functionalism: A Critical Analysis of the Separation of Powers and the Administrative State
- Carolyn Shapiro -- Taking the Independent State Legislature Doctrine Seriously
- Charles Tyler & Heather Gerken -- The Myth of the Laboratories of Democracy
- Ilan Wurman -- Reconstructing Reconstruction-Era Rights
Conference Organizers
- Andrew Coan (Arizona)
- Rebecca Aviel (Denver)
- Eunice Lee (Arizona)
- Shalev Roisman (Arizona)
- David Schwartz (Wisconsin)