PCLP Wednesday Speaker Series "Compassionate Release Amid COVID-19"




What is compassionate release and how can it be used to modify a criminal sentence? COVID-19 and its impact on the U.S. prison system has brought compassionate release to the forefront of sentencing and post-conviction relief.  Elena Kay and Christina Woehr, Federal Public Defenders for the District of Arizona, will discuss the history of compassionate release, its intersection with the COVID-19 pandemic, and tips, pitfalls, and suggestions for compassionate-release related advocacy.

Register in advance for this meeting: https://arizona.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0vd-ygpj8oHN02VkVQNk4jjCg6FV…-

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Food will be provided at 11:45am in the courtyard. We hope to see you there! Please contact Cassidy Vernon (cassidyvernon@arizona.edu) for more information.