Please join PCLP in celebration of Victims’ Rights week for a panel presentation on Victims’ Rights in Arizona, where we will be joined by prosecutors from the Special Victims’ Unit of the Pima County Attorney’s Office, Advocates from the Victim Services division of the Pima County Attorney’s Office, and facility dog Blake. The panel members will explain the history of Victims’ Rights in Arizona, what it means to be an advocate and assist victims through the criminal justice process, and the advancements that have progressed since the Victims’ Bill of Rights inception in 1990, including the role of facility dogs!
Register in advance for this meeting: https://arizona.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qf-msqjgvHtbrhi3jor4nEa_QRC… After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Food will be provided in the courtyard at 11:45 am. We hope to see you there!