2019 Soll Lecture - Michael Morton


Room: OUTSIDE 168
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Join us as award-winning author Michael Morton delivers the 13th Annual Darrow K. Soll Memorial Criminal Law & Justice Lecture. Michael Morton was born in Texas, grew up in California, and moved back to Texas in high school. While living in Austin, Michael was wrongfully convicted of the 1986 murder of his wife Christine, a crime witnessed by his then 3-year-old son. He spent almost twenty-five years in prison before being exonerated in 2011 through the efforts of the Innocence Project, pro bono lawyer John Raley, and advances in DNA technology. There is no cost to attend this event, and it is open to the public. RSVP here: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=y6oeipdab&oeidk=a0…


bernadette wilkinson