John Swain, The Streamlined Sales Tax Project and the Local Sourcing Conundrum, (2006).
Arizona Legal Studies
David Wexler & , The Use of Therapeutic Jurisprudence in Law School Clinical Education: Transforming the Criminal Law Clinic, 13 Clinical L. Rev. (2006).
Arizona Legal Studies
John Swain, The Wages of Virtue: Voluntary Registration and Jurisdiction to Tax, 42 State Tax Notes (2006).
David Wexler, Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Readiness for Rehabilitation, 8 Fla. Coastal L. Rev. (2006).
Arizona Legal Studies
David Wexler, Therapeutic Jurisprudence, in, (2006).
James Hopkins, Therapeutic Lending in a Post-Colonial World, 14 Mich. St. J. Int’l L. (2006).
Arizona Legal Studies
Rebecca Tsosie, Tribal Sovereignty and Intergovernmental Cooperation, Tribal Water Rights: Essays in Contemporary Law, Policy, and Economics (2006).
Barbara Bergman, Troubling Times, (2006).
Xiaoqian Hu, Two Issues in Assigning Creditors’ Rights, (2006).
Barak Orbach, Unwelcome Benefits: Why Welfare Beneficiaries Reject Government Aid, 24 Law & Inequality (2006).
Arizona Legal Studies
Rebecca Tsosie, What Does It Mean “To Build a Nation?” Reimagining Indigenous Political Identity in an Era of Self-Determination, 7 Asian-Pac. L. & Pol’y J. (2006).
John Swain, What Is a "Sale" for Sales Tax Purposes (Part 2)?, (2006).
Barbara Bergman, When the Government Breaks the Law, (2006).
David Gantz, WTO Case Review 2005, (2006).
Arizona Legal Studies
Marc Miller & , "The Wisdom We Have Lost:" Sentencing Information and Its Uses, 58 Stan. L. Rev. (2005).
Xiaoqian Hu, A Critical Genealogy of Kausales Rechtsgeschäft and Abstraktes Rechtsgeschäft, 8 J. East China Uni. Pol. & L. (2005).
David Wexler, A Tripartite Framework for Incorporating Therapeutic Jurisprudence in Criminal Law Education, Research, and Practice, 7 Fla. Coastal L. Rev. (2005).
Leslye Obiora, Access to the Legal System: Sub-Saharan Africa, in Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures: Family Law and Politics (2005).
Rebecca Tsosie, American Indian Law: Native Nations and the Federal System - 4th Rev. (2005).
Ted Schneyer, An Interpretation of Recent Developments in the Regulation of Law Practice, 30 Okla. City U. L. Rev. (2005).
Marc Miller & , Applying Legal Sunshine to the Hidden Regulation of Biological Control, 35 Biological Control (2005).
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