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Lawrence Ponoroff, Exemption Limitations: A Tale of Two Solutions, 71 Am. Bankr. L.J. (1997).
Barbara Bergman, Fall Preview of Criminal Cases Before the U.S. Supreme Court, (1997).
Leslye Obiora, Feminism, Globalization and Culture: After Beijing, 4 Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. (1997).
David Wexler, How the Law Can Use What Works: A Therapeutic Jurisprudence Look at Recent Research in Rehabilitation, (1997).
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Rebecca Tsosie, Indigenous Peoples’ Claims to Cultural Property, (1997).
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Robert Williams Jr, Linking Arms Together: American Indian Treaty Visions of Law and Peace, 1600-1800 (1997).
Winton Woods, Medical Legal Internet Directory: The Professional’s Instant-Access Resource (1997).
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James Anaya, On Justifying Special Ethnic Group Rights, Nomos XXXIX: Ethnicity and Group Rights (1997).
David Wexler, Preventive Law and Therapeutic Jurisprudence: A Symbiotic Relationship, 16 Preventive L. Rep. (1997).
Ted Schneyer, Professional Self-Regulation and Shared-Risk Programs for In Vitro Fertilization, (1997).
John Swain, Property Tax Law in Arizona (1997).
Robert Glennon, Public Policy and Political Fallout: The Report of the Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission, (1997).
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