John Lacy

Director, Global Mining Law Center and Professor of Practice

Curriculum Vitae


  • J.D. University of Arizona
  • B.A. University of Arizona

Work Experience

  • Director, Global Mining Law Center and Professor of Practice
    Rogers College of Law
    2015 - present
  • Adjunct Professor of Law
    Rogers College of Law
    1986 - 2015
  • Adjunct Professor
    Department of Mining and Geological Engineering, University of Arizona
    1976 - 1986
  • Shareholder
    DeConcini McDonald Yetwin & Lacy P.C.
    1977 - present
  • Shareholder
    Verity, Smith, Lacy, Allen & Kearns
    1972 - 1977
  • U.S. Army Captain
    Judge Advocate General's Corps
    1968 - 1972
  • Law Clerk and Associate
    Verity and Smith
    1965 - 1968