Faculty Book Talk Series with Sergio Puig and James Anaya




Please join the Daniel F. Cracchiolo Law Library for its inaugural Faculty Book Talk Series event featuring Sergio Puig, Professor of Law and Director, International Trade and Business Law Program, in discussion with James Anaya, Dean and University Distinguished Professor (University of Colorado) and UA Regents Professor Emeritus. Professor Puig and Dean Anaya met last week to record their discussion about Professor Puig’s new book, At the Margins of Globalization: Indigenous Peoples and International Economic Law. Professor Puig will host a Q&A about his work after their discussion.

Despite the tremendous progress in the development of scientific knowledge, the understanding of the causes of poverty and inequality, and the role of politics and governance in addressing modern challenges, issues such as social inclusion, poverty, marginalization and despair continue to be a reality across the world - and most often impact Indigenous Peoples. At the Margins of Globalization explores how Indigenous Peoples are affected by globalization, and the culture of individual choice without responsibility that it promotes, while addressing what can be done about it. Though international trade and investment agreements are unlikely to go away, the inclusion of Indigenous rights provisions has made a positive difference. This book explains how these provisions operate and how to build from their limited success.

The discussion will take place on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 12:10 – 1:00 pm via Zoom: https://arizona.zoom.us/j/82859871530