Please join ACS, PCLP, and BLSA for an Accuracy & Justice Workshop presented by Witness to Innocence.
Witness to Innocence is an organization of, by, and for death row exonerees. Their mission is to empower exonerated death row survivors to be the most powerful and effective voice in the fight to end the death penalty in the United States. Through public speaking, testifying in state legislatures, and media interviews, their members expose the reality that innocent people are sentenced to death. A group of attorneys and exonerees will host this workshop on criminal justice reform, specifically as it relates to the death penalty.
Join the Zoom meeting at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81381461348 Eligible for 2 CLE credits.
Please contact Gabriela Elizondo-Craig (gabrielamec@email.arizona.edu) with any general questions and Christina Poletti (christinapoletti@email.arizona.edu) with any questions about CLE.