999 Announcement
Please join us for a roundtable conversation on the humanitarian crisis following the United States’ withdrawal from Afghanistan. Speakers will focus on ongoing efforts by the U.S. government, University of Arizona, and local organizations to address the legal and humanitarian needs of Afghan individuals.
- Atifa R. Rawan, Afghan-American Emeritus Library faculty at the University of Arizona Libraries
- Colonel Kevin Norton, Professor of Naval Science, University of Arizona
- Colonel Carey J. Jones, Commander, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, Detachment 20, University of Arizona
- Dr. Julie Ellison-Speight, Associate Director, University of Arizona Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES)
- Eunice Lee, Associate Professor of Law, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law.
Register here: https://arizona.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Xo-0N22oQOiVBCqi_fM9xw
Sponsored by Bacon Immigration Law & Policy Program, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, UA Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, and American Constitutional Society Arizona Law Chapter. For more information please contact Carol Lee Taylor (caroltaylor@arizona.edu)