Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About a State Court of Appeals Clerkship




2022 Arizona State Court of Appeals’ Judges and Clerks Zoom Panel: “Clerkship Q & A”.

Please join us via Zoom on Wednesday, February 16 from 12:15 -1:15 to hear from Arizona Court of Appeals’ judges and their current law clerks about the experience of applying to and clerking for the Arizona Court of Appeals.

Div. One: Hon. Maria Elena Cruz and law clerks Jill Hendrix and Megan Schandle. Hon. David Weinzweig and law clerk Vanessa Kubota

Div. Two: Hon. Christopher Staring and law clerks Molly Alward and Andy Davis. Hon. Karl Eppich and law clerks Margot Veranes and Molly Rothschild.

Please contact CDO with any questions!