999 Announcement
Registration required: arizona.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GHQS3vWzRnaMXeJONaTGKg
The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law and Cambridge University Press invite you to the United States book launch for The Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership Analysis and Commentary
Edited by JORGE A. HUERTA-GOLDMAN (TILPA, Geneva) & DAVID A. GANTZ (University of Arizona)
- Prof Petros Mavroidis as book discussant Columbia Law School in NY, Edwin B. Parker Professor of Foreign & Comparative Law (law.columbia.edu/faculty/petros-c-mavroidis)
- Amb Peter Allgeier on Services Overview: Background, Strategy and Solutions President of Nauset Global LLC, U.S. (nausetglobal.com)
- Luis R. Rodríguez on Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures Managing Partner at Monarch Global Strategies in Monterrey, Mexico (monarch-global.com)
- Sheridan S. McKinney and John R. Gilliland on Trade Agreements and the U.S. Congress—the Case of the TPP Partners at Gilliland & McKinney International Counselors LLC in Washington DC, U.S. (gmicounsel.com/)
- Christopher O’Toole on TPP Trade and Environment Chapter Counsellor at the Mission of Canada to the WTO & CPTPP negotiator (linkedin.com/in/christopher-o- toole-699b701a5/?originalSubdomain=ch)