The Journal of Appellate Practice and Process Publishes Summer 2023 Issue

The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law and the National Institute for Trial Advocacy have released the Summer 2023 issue of The Journal of Appellate Practice and Process (Volume 23, Issue 2). Journal Editor-in-Chief and contributor Tessa L. Dysart said, “This issue reflects the diversity of appellate practice. The articles address a wide range of topics, but they are all tied to appellate practice in some way.”
Topics in the summer issue include:
- A look into tribal courts and the issues surrounding self-represented litigants, providing appellate practitioners and judges key insight into how tribal courts operate.
- A case for terminating the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces.
- The courts’ power to recall mandate.
- Do better briefs and oral arguments impact how the justices vote?
- What trial judges want to see (and don’t want to see) in appellate opinions.
- How to write a reply brief
- Two reviews of University of Arizona Law Professors books: Tessa Dysart’s The Short and Happy Guide to Judicial Clerkship and Diana Simon’s book, The (Not Too Serious) Grammar, Punctuation, and Style Guide to Legal Writing
Contributors include Judge Carrie E. Garrow, St. Regis Mohawk Court of Appeals; Danielle J. Mayberry, St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Courts and Te-Moak Tribal Courts; Eugene R. Fidell, NYU School of Law, Yale Law School and Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP; Elizabeth M. Fritz, JD, University of Virginia School of Law; Pamela C. Corley, Southern Methodist University; Adam Feldman, Empirical SCOTUS Blog and Optimized Legal Solutions Consulting; Judge Gerald Lebovits, New York State Supreme Court, New York County, Columbia, Fordham, and NYU law schools; Brian Wolfman, Georgetown University Law Center; Judge Douglas R. M. Nazarian, Appellate Court of Maryland and University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law; Susie Salmon, University of Arizona Law.
For questions about The Journal of Appellate Practice and Process email Editor-in-Chief Tessa L. Dysart at