University of Arizona Law Ranked #10 Among Public Schools for Scholarly Impact
The college has moved up five positions since previous rankings were released in 2018.

University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law faculty are among the most cited in the country. The college has been ranked 10th in the nation among public law schools and 27th overall for scholarly impact according to the newly released 2021 edition of the Sisk et al. study of scholarly impact, the leading citation ranking of law faculty. The college moved up five positions overall since the last ranking was announced in 2018.
The ranking is calculated from the mean and median citations to tenured faculty scholarship for the years 2016-2020, with more weight on mean impact. Schools that have a relatively high median score, such as University of Arizona Law, indicate strong research contributions from many faculty members rather than from only a few highly cited scholars. In median scholarly impact, University of Arizona Law ranks 20th in the nation.
“I am delighted but not at all surprised to see that Arizona’s law faculty once again ranks near the very top of all public law schools in scholarly impact,” noted Andrew Coan, associate dean for research. “From antitrust to constitutional law to privacy to quantum networks and indigenous peoples law, our faculty are national and global leaders in their fields. Their work powerfully illuminates the contemporary legal landscape and points the way to a more just and equitable future.”
Five of the most-cited faculty for University of Arizona Law joined the college within the last decade, part of the college’s strategic efforts to recruit the most innovative and impactful scholars from across the legal academy. The professors listed specialize in a range of fields including intellectual property, environmental law, digital privacy, constitutional law, and business law. Two eminent scholars from the college’s Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy program were also among the group.
“Our faculty is chock full of influential scholars from around the world whose research has tangible impacts on our legal systems,” said Marc Miller, dean of University of Arizona Law. “This ranking reconfirms their wide influence and impact, and it builds on Arizona’s long-standing commitment to scholarly excellence.”
The top 10 most-cited faculty members from University of Arizona Law are (listed in alphabetical order):

Derek Bambauer
Professor of Law, Director of Intellectual Property Program
Bambauer teaches internet law and intellectual property and conducts research on internet censorship, cybersecurity, and intellectual property. He is the co-author of “Cybersecurity: An Interdisciplinary Problem” (2021).
- Orwell’s Armchair, 79 University of Chicago Law Review 863 (2012).
- Ghost in the Network, 162 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1011 (2014).
- Exposed, 98 Minnesota Law Review 2025 (2014).
- View his SSRN page.

Jane Bambauer
Professor of Law, Co-Director of TechLaw Program, Co-Deputy Director of the Center for Quantum Networks
Bambauer’s research assesses the social costs and benefits of Big Data and questions the wisdom of many well-intentioned privacy laws.
- Is Data Speech?, 66 Stanford Law Review 57 (2014).
- Hassle, 113 Michigan Law Review 461 (2015).
- The Algorithm Game (co-authored with T. Zarsky), 94 Notre Dame Law Review 1 (2018).
- View her SSRN page.

Ellen Bublick
Dan B. Dobbs Professor of Law
Bublick is a co-author of the leading U.S. tort law treatise and hornbook, “The Law of Torts” and “Hornbook on Torts,” which have been cited by the United States Supreme Court and by courts in every federal circuit and in forty-eight states.
- Hornbook on Torts (2d ed. co-authored with Dan B. Dobbs & Paul T. Hayden 2016).
- The Law of Torts (2d ed. co-authored with Dan B. Dobbs & Paul T. Hayden 2011).
- Tort Suits Filed by Rape and Sexual Assault Victims in Civil Courts: Lessons for Courts, Classrooms and Constituencies, 59 Southern Methodist University Law Review 55 (2006).
- View her SSRN page.

Andrew Coan
Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Law, Director of Rehnquist Center on the Constitutional Structures of Government
Coan teaches Constitutional Law, Federal Courts, and related subjects. His scholarly interests include the Supreme Court, federalism, executive power, and constitutional interpretation. His book “Prosecuting the President” (2018) was a finalist for the ABA’s Silver Gavel Award.
- Rationing the Constitution: How Judicial Capacity Shapes Supreme Court Decision-Making (Harvard University Press 2019).
- Prosecuting the President: How Special Prosecutors Hold Presidents Accountable and Protect the Rule of Law (Oxford University Press 2019).
- The Foundations of Constitutional Theory, 2017 Wisconsin Law Review 833 (2017).
- View his SSRN page.

Kirsten Engel
Charles E. Ares Professor of Law, Co-Director of Environmental Law, Science & Policy Program
Engel teaches and researches in the areas of environmental and administrative law. Before entering academia, she was acting chief of the Environmental Protection Division of the Massachusetts Office of Attorney General and senior counsel for that office’s Public Protection Bureau.
- Arizona’s Groundwater Management Act at Forty: Tackling Unfinished Business (co-authored with Esther Loiseleur & Elise Drilhon), 10 Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 187 (2020).
- Harnessing the Benefits of Dynamic Federalism in Environmental Law, 56 Emory Law Journal 159 (2006).
- State Environmental Standard-Setting: Is There a “Race” and is it “To the Bottom”?, 48 Hastings Law Journal 271 (1996).
- View her SSRN page.

Toni Massaro
Regents Professor, Milton O. Riepe Chair in Constitutional Law, Dean Emerita
Massaro is one of the nation’s leading constitutional law scholars. She is the co-author of “The Arc of Due Process in American Constitutional Law” (2013) and “Civil Procedure: Cases and Problems” (6th ed. 2017). She teaches and researches constitutional law, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, and equal protection.
- Siri-ously? Free Speech Rights and Artificial Intelligence (co-authored with Helen Norton), 110 Northwestern Law Review 1196 (2016).
- SIRI-OUSLY 2.0: What Artificial Intelligence Reveals about the First Amendment (co-authored with Helen Norton & Margot Kaminski), 101 Minnesota Law Review 2481 (2017).
- Free Speech and Democracy: A Primer for 21st Century Reformers (co-authored with Helen Norton), 54 UC Davis Law Review 1631 (2021).
- View her SSRN page.

Marc Miller
Dean, Ralph W. Bilby Professor of Law
Miller writes and teaches about environmental law and policy and criminal law and policy. He is the author of more than 70 articles and essays on a wide range of environmental, criminal justice, immigration and legal theory topics.
- Criminal Procedures: Cases, Statutes & Executive Materials (6th Edition, co-authored with Ronald Wright, Kay Levine and Jenia Turner 2019).
- The Screening/Bargaining Tradeoff (co-authored with Ronald Wright), 55 Stanford Law Review 29 (2002).
- Biological Control: A Little Knowledge is A Dangerous Thing (co-authored with Gregory Aplet), 45 Rutgers Law Review 285 (1993).
- View his SSRN page.

Barak Orbach
Professor of Law, Director of Business Law Program
Orbach’s areas of expertise are antitrust, corporate governance, regulation, and the digital economy. He is the chair of the Antitrust Frontiers Global Forum.
- Antitrust in the Shadow of Market Disruptions, 34 Antitrust 32 (2020).
- Anything, Anytime, Anywhere: Is Antitrust Ready for Flexible Market Arrangements?, 20 Antitrust Source 1 (2021).
- Interstate Circuit and Conspiracy, 2019 University of Illinois Law Review 1447 (2019).
- View his SSRN page.

Sergio Puig
Professor of Law, Director of International Trade and Business Law Program
Puig’s academic interests include topics related to international economic law, international arbitration, law and society, network analysis and the law and the legal profession. He is co-editor in chief of the Journal of International Economic Law and is the author of the book, “At the Margins of Globalization” (2021).
- Social Capital in the Arbitration Market, 25 European Journal of International Law 387 (2014).
- Tobacco Litigation in International Courts, 57 Harvard International Law Journal (2016).
- Imperfect Alternatives: Institutional Choice and the Reform of Investment Law (co-authored with Gregory Shaffer), 112 American Journal of International Law 361 (2018).
- View his SSRN page.

Rebecca Tsosie
Regents Professor, Co-director of Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program
Tsosie is widely known for her work in the fields of federal Indian law and Indigenous peoples’ human rights. She has published widely on sovereignty, self-determination, cultural pluralism, environmental policy and cultural rights. She teaches in the areas of federal Indian law, property, constitutional law, critical race theory, and cultural resources law.
- Tribal Data Governance and Informational Privacy: Constructing Indigenous Data Sovereignty, 80 Montana Law Review 229 (2019).
- Indigenous Peoples and Epistemic Injustice: Science, Ethics, and Human Rights, 87 Washington Law Review 1133 (2012).
- Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Justice: The Impact of Climate Change, 78 Colorado Law Review 1625 (Fall 2007).
- Rethinking the Tribal Sovereignty Doctrine: Cultural Sovereignty and the Collective Future of Indian Nations (co-authored with Wallace Coffey), 12 Stanford Law and Policy Review 191 (2001).
- View her SSRN page.

Robert A. Williams Jr.
Regents Professor, E. Thomas Sullivan Professor of Law, Co-Chair of Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program
Williams has represented tribal groups and members before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Peoples, the United States Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court of Canada.
- Vampires Anonymous, 95 Michigan Law Review 741 (1997).
- “Like a Loaded Weapon: The Rehnquist Court, Indian Rights, and the Legal History of Racism in America” (2005).
- “Savage Anxieties: The Invention of Western Civilization” (2012).
- View his SSRN page.