Q&A with 2022-23 SBA President Sarah Gerstel

Name: Sarah Gerstel (She/Her)
Year: 3L
Hometown: Aberdeen, New Jersey
Undergraduate institution: Tulane University
What are your goals as SBA president?
In my role as SBA president, I want to breed a culture of community and transparency. I plan to keep the student body informed regarding what happens both within SBA and around the law school, and I want every student to feel that their voice is heard.
What are you looking forward to this year?
I am looking forward to applying the courtroom skills that I’ve developed over my summer internship at the San Diego Public Defender’s office to my work on the mock trial team.
What three words come to mind when you think of Arizona Law?
Welcoming, challenging, bustling.
Why should students get involved with SBA (or any other student organizations)?
Getting involved with student organizations is a great way to meet like-minded individuals and figure out where your interests lie. Being an SBA member comes with lots of great benefits, like discounts on tickets to events such as Barrister’s Ball (law prom) and trivia nights. Holding a position within SBA is a way to have your voice heard on campus and make a difference within your law school community.
You are part of Arizona Law’s first group of Student Ambassadors. What do you look forward to doing as a Student Ambassador?
I look forward to speaking with prospective students about all of the things I love here at Arizona Law! I’m hoping to provide interested students with an accurate perspective of our community so that they can determine if Arizona Law is the right fit for them.
Advice for incoming 1Ls?
Prioritize selfcare, whatever that means for you! My entire 1L year, I stuck by “No Schoolwork Saturdays.” Having one day a week that was completely for myself really helped me keep things in perspective and not burn out.
What do you think everyone should experience as an Arizona Law student?
Every Arizona Law student should attend the Welcome Back Picnic every year! This year’s picnic is on Friday, September 23rd at 5pm at Reid Park. It’s open to students, faculty, staff, and alum. Folks are encouraged to bring their family members (including pets!). It’s always a wonderful time!
What do you think everyone should experience living in Tucson?
The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum!
Favorite restaurant in Tucson? What do you order?
Barista Del Barrio! I get a potato, egg, and bean breakfast burrito with soyrizo and guacamole.
What are your career plans?
I plan to pursue a career in indigent defense through public defense and wrongful conviction work.
Top 3 tips for all law students
- Don’t compare yourself to others. You are on your own law school journey!
- Stay organized. You will thank yourself when finals roll around
- Take advantage of resources. Arizona Law has tons of amazing student organizations, clinics, externship opportunities, legal skills competitions, and offices on campus to support you and provide you with advice. Dive in! (But don’t spread yourself too thin)