Dr. Katherine Simpson

Dr. Katherine Simpson, Esq., FCIArb., is an arbitrator with a broad dispute resolution practice.
She has served as sole arbitrator in disputes valued at up to $10 million, and has served in cases conducted pursuant to the American Arbitration Association (AAA) Large and Complex Cases (Commercial Rules), International (ICDR), Commercial, Employment, Labor, and Consumer Rules. Dr. Simpson is also a Labor Arbitrator on the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) panel. She is included in the International Institution for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR) Panels of Distinguished Neutrals. Dr. Simpson is an Arbitrator Member of the Court of Arbitration for Art (CAfA) and a Recommended Arbitrator for the International Commercial Arbitration Court (ICAC) of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce.
Dr. Simpson's efforts to address the lack of diversity in the selection of ADR neutrals have twice been shortlisted for Global Arbitration Review's (GAR) annual awards, and her leadership of the Women in Dispute Resolution (WIDR) Committee of the ABA Dispute Resolution Section was recognized with the Outstanding Service Award. Dr. Simpson was an original founder and funder of the Ray Corollary Initiative (RCI), where she served as Board Member and Vice Chair from 2021-2024 and as Interim CEO later in 2024. Dr. Simpson was the primary drafter of the $750,000 grant that now supports the RCI's important work. Dr. Simpson is Editor in Chief and Contributor for the Kluwer Arbitration International Commercial Arbitration Templates and Examples publication series.