For the Record: Keynote Speaking, New Books and Expert Insights on Arizona Abortion Laws, Immigration, Rent Control and More
Catch up on recent University of Arizona Law faculty accomplishments

Glennon Presents at Water Summitt
On Oct. 18, water policy and law expert and Regents Professor Emeritus Robert Glennon was the keynote speaker at 19th Annual Palouse Basin Water Summit in Pullman.
Simon Publishes Guide to Legal Writing
Associate Clinical Professor of Law Diana Simon’s new book, The (Not Too Serious) Grammar, Punctuation, and Style Guide to Legal Writing, will be released on Nov. 11. The book, designed primarily for law students but a valuable resource to any legal writer, is an entertaining yet informative guide on punctuation, grammar, and other style issues.
Sklar to Speak at Virtual Care Symposium
Director of the Health Law and Policy Program Tara Sklar will speak at the upcoming Mass General Brigham’s Virtual Care Symposium on Nov. 8. Sklar will discuss how to measure the quality of virtual care, its impact on patient experience, how to address structural inequalities and more. Given the significant advancement of virtual care in the last year and half, this year’s symposium will focus on quality frameworks and how they have evolved, collaboratively across organizations.
Woods’ Traffic Policing Article Featured in GA Police Chief Magazine
A 2019 article by Professor Jordan Woods was published in the Georgia Police Chief Magazine this October. The article, “Policing, Danger Narratives, and Routine Traffic Stops” is a comprehensive study of assaults committed against police officers during traffic stops and challenges the idea that traffic stops are especially dangerous for the police.
In the Media
A wonky Arizona ballot measure could unlock a new path to easing medical debt
Oct. 23, 2022
Gabriela Elizondo-Craig (‘21), Innovation for Justice post-graduate fellow discusses the medical debt policy scorecard, a project that evaluates states’ laws for protecting their residents from medical debt.
Abortion rulings lead to more confusion over Arizona law
The Daily Wildcat
Oct. 18, 2022
University of Arizona Law Professors Barbara Atwood and Andrew Shepard discuss ongoing confusion surrounding Arizona abortion laws.
Fact Check Arizona: Ep. 3 The Border in the Governor's Race
Arizona Public Media
Oct. 19, 2022
Arizona gubernatorial candidates recently appeared on "Face the Nation" discussing the U.S.-Mexico border and immigration most. Arizona Law Professor and Director of the Community Immigration Law Placement Clinic Lynn Marcus is interviewed.
The Key to Rent Control
The Regulatory Review
Oct. 15, 2022
Professor of Law Stephanie M. Stern explores rent control sharing and how it affects rent control policy.
Research: Policing, Danger Narratives and Routine Traffic Stops
The Georgia Police Chief
Fall Edition 2022
Professor of Law Jordan Blair Woods 2019 article, "Policing, Danger Narratives, and Routine Traffic Stops" is featured in Georgia’s Police Chief Magazine. The study challenges the idea that traffic stops are especially dangerous for the police.
More than half of ABA-accredited law schools accept the GRE for admissions
Higher Ed Dive
Oct. 5, 2022
A total of 100 American Bar Association-accredited law schools now accept the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) for admissions. In 2016, University of Arizona Law became the first ABA-recognized school to accept the GRE.
As Salton Sea faces ecological collapse, a plan to save it with ocean water is rejected
Los Angeles Times
Oct. 5, 2022
For as long as the Salton Sea has faced the threat of ecological collapse, some local residents and environmentalists have advocated a large infusion of ocean water. Professor Emeritus Robert Glennon weighs in.
Tweedy Law School Deans Break Out Calculators as Role Shifts
Oct. 7, 2022
Bloomberg Law
Following a decline in JD enrollments law school dean’s role have shifted over the years, increasing offerings to non-JD programs and more focus on making sure cash continues to flow in. University of Arizona Law offers an undergraduate law degree, dual degrees, legal training for foreign diplomats and education for alternative legal service providers. Dean Marc Miller is interviewed.
After Roe v. Wade, abortion bans from the 1800s became legal matters in these states
USA Today
Oct. 2, 2022
Professor Emerita Barbara Atwood discusses the current conflicting Arizona abortion laws.