William E. Boyd
Chester Smith Professor Emeritus of Law

Law and Computer FellowStanford University1971
LL.M. Harvard University1967
J.D. Wayne State University1966Editor-in-Chief, Wayne Law Review
A.B. University of Michigan1963
Admitted to Practice
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
Federal District Court of Arizona
Work Experience
Senior Lecturer in Law1998 - present
ConsultantElectronic Courts Project, Federal Judicial Conference1998
Professor of LawUniversity of Arizona College of Law1972 - 1998
Special Advisor to the Vice Provost for Information TechnologyUniversity of Arizona (one-half time Law College and one-half time Center for Computing and Information Technology (CCIT))1994 - 1995
ConsultantSt. Petersburg University Law School, St. Petersburg, Russia (Rule of Law Consortium/ARD-Checci, Washington, D.C.)1994
Consultant1992 - present
ConsultantIndian Management Association Self-Determination Communications Network1991
Director of Computer DevelopmentUniversity of Arizona (one-half time academic and one-half-time administrative)1988 - 1994
ConsultantLouisiana State Board of Regents Law and Technology Center Project1987 - 1988
Visiting ProfessorUniversity of Puerto Rico at Rio PiedrasSummer 1987
ConsultantArid Land Studies -- Kellogg Foundation funded project (Development of Commercial Codes for Adoption by Indian Tribes looking to self-determination)1981 - 1987
Visiting ScholarUniversity of MichiganSpring 1980 - 1981
Visiting ProfessorWayne State UniversityFall 1979 - 1980
Faculty MemberCouncil on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO) Institute, Southwest Regional1979
DirectorCouncil on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO), Southwest Regional1972
Special MasterNavajo Tribe1969
Clerk and Special Administrative AssistantThe Honorable Kenneth O'Connell, Oregon Supreme Court1968
AssociateFischer, Sprague, Franklin, and Ford, Detroit, Michigan1966
Member, Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)PresidentJanuary 1998 - January 2002
Chair, American Association of Law Schools, Law and Computer Section1992 - 1993
Member, Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)1988 - present
Public & Institutional Service
Invited Participant, Conference on Electronic Courtrooms (Federal Judicial Center, Washington, D.C.)September 2000
Member, Federal District Court Automated Practice Committee1989
Referee, National Science Foundation Consumer Bankruptcy Proposal1989
Member, Federal Bankruptcy Judge Nominating Committee1989
Member, Board of Directors, Tohono O'odom Legal Services1985 - 1987
Recipient, Major Grant from the National Center for Automated Information Research to support a sabbatical project entitled "New Frontiers in Instructional Software"1992