LAW 135
The Legal Writing Program seeks applications from first- and second-year students who are interested in being Writing Fellows for fall semester 2025. Although Writing Fellows commit to serve only one semester, most continue for a full academic year.
What is a Writing Fellow? For more information, you can attend one of our brief info sessions on February 20 or March 3, either in person in room 135 [or by Zoom https://arizona.zoom.us/j/81873165556 (2/20) or https://arizona.zoom.us/j/81528689018 (3/3). You can find general information about the different types of writing fellows and their basic duties on the writing fellow webpage.
How do I apply? Submit a brief letter of interest, resume, and writing sample (no longer than five pages please) to Debbie Martin (the legal writing administrative assistant) at martinds@email.arizona.edu by no later than 8am on March 17 (the Monday after Spring Break). See the Google doc for more information on what you need to include in your application. Questions? Email Professor Salmon at salmon@arizona.edu.