The National Native American Law Students Association (NNALSA) has established a long-running, respected national moot court competition. This year the 27th Annual NNALSA Moot Court is hosted by the University of Arizona James E Rogers College of Law NALSA Chapter and the University of Arizona Law's Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy (IPLP) Program. The NNALSA Moot Court will take place March 1-2, 2019 in Tucson, Arizona.

2019 NNALSA Moot Court Rules.pdf
National NALSA Moot Court Problem 2019.pdf
Competition Awards
The brief score range was 159-341 and the award recipients from the competition are as follows:
Best Written Advocates
Third Place: Rebecca Newsom and Ashton Jackson from the University of Montana
Second Place: Dan Kopp and Nancy Musick from the University of Kansas
First Place: Chelsea Minuche and Clair Postman from Columbia University
Best Overall Advocates
Third Place: Dan Kopp and Nancy Musick from the University of Kansas
Second Place: Chelsea Minuche and Clair Postman from Columbia University
First Place: Chris Carey and Maria Drouhard from the University of Kansas
Best Spoken Advocates
Third Place: Clair Postman from Columbia University
Second Place: Andrew Schrack from the University of Tennessee
First Place (and winner of the G. William Rice Best Oralist Award): Chris Carey from the University of Kansas
*Early Registration*
Thursday, February 28 from 3-6 PM there will be early registration for NNALSA Moot Court competitors and volunteers in the law school lobby.
*Bailiff Orientation*
An orientation for volunteer bailiffs will be held on Thursday, February 28 from 5-6 PM in Room 135, located on the main level of the law school library. Dinner will be served for attendees.
Championship Round Judge Panel
Deadline for Team Registration: December 15, 2018
Each team must complete an online registration form, pay the registration fee of $250 per team, and upload letter(s) as stated in NNALSA Moot Court Rule 4.2 or 4.3. Competitors will receive their team number once they complete the registration process. Teams will also receive details about submitting briefs at this time.
Deadline for Team Brief Submission: January 14, 2019 (11:59pm MST)
Each team must submit its brief online in PDF format as set forth in NNALSA Moot Court Rule 13.6(c). Team briefs are due on January 14 by 11:59 PM, MST. A team may not revise its brief after submission to the competition. Competitors may submit briefs here.
*Do not submit a brief until your team has been assigned a team number. To maintain confidentiality, do not include your name or school in your brief. Brief sides are NOT determined by even/odd numbers, but by the side assigned to you via email by the NNALSA VP.
Deadline for Submission Verifying Payment of Membership Dues: January 14, 2019
In accordance with NNALSA Moot Court Rule 4.2, each competitor must submit documents that verify (1) the individual’s local chapter has submitted its dues, (2) the individual has submitted NNALSA Individual Membership dues, and (3) the individual has submitted local chapter individual membership dues. Competitors may submit all documentation to the NNALSA Vice President at nnalsa.vicepresident@gmail.com(link sends e-mail). Membership and local chapter dues can be paid here.
Substantive Inquiry
Competitors may submit substantive inquiries regarding the rules and problem to the Rules Committee by emailing the inquiry to nnalsa.vicepresident@gmail.com(link sends e-mail). Please put “Substantive Inquiry” in the subject line. Responses to substantive inquiries will be posted with official responses on the NNALSA website and the moot court FAQ page. The deadline for substantive inquiry submissions is February 22, 2019.
Volunteer to be a Judge or Bailiff
Volunteer judges and bailiffs are vital to our competition. Visit the volunteer registration page to sign-up. Brief Judges are needed after the student competitors submit their appellate briefs. Brief Judges can score one to five briefs from home. Oral Argument Judges sit on a panel of three and individually score the oral arguments throughout the moot court competition on March 1-2, 2019.
About the Artist
This year's NNALSA Moot Court logo was designed by Reclaim Designs' Enoch Endwarrior. Enoch is of the Navajo and Oneida tribe. He has been drawing since he was in elementary school and been doing graphic designing since high school. He is the founder of Reclaim Designs, where he designs and sells apparel designed by not only himself, but his brother as well.
A special thank you to our sponsors!