For the Record: Awards, Presentations, Op-ed's on JD Admissions, CDC COVID Guidelines, and Expert Insight on Water Shortages, The Espionage Act, Abortion Access and More
Catch up on recent University of Arizona Law faculty accomplishments

Walker Designs Workplace Experiences Survey in Collaboration with Arizona State Bar
Associate Professor of Law and Psychology Tammi Walker designed a survey, in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Arizona and the Arizona State Bar, to examine workplace experiences. The survey went to all 18,000 members of the Arizona State Bar. Walker served as the principal investigator of the project, a collaboration that began with the State Bar after a Board of Visitors presentation in January of 2021.
Puig Presents at Australian National University on Indigenous Peoples and international economic law
On Aug. 9, Professor of Law and the Director of the International Economic Law Program Sergio Puig virtually presented at Australian National University’s School of Regulation and Global Governance. Puig explored how Indigenous Peoples are affected by globalization, and the culture of individual choice without responsibility that it promotes, while addressing what can be done about it. Though international trade and investment agreements are unlikely to go away, the inclusion of Indigenous rights provisions has made a positive difference.
Lett Named Top Pro Bono Attorney for 2022
Associate Clinical Professor of Law Sylvia Lett has been recognized by the Arizona Bar Foundation as a Top Pro Bono Attorney in the state of Arizona. Nominated by the Foundation's Approved Legal Service entities, these awards honor 50 attorneys who have provided numerous hours to helping provide access to justice. Awards acknowledged in conjunction with the Foundation participation in the annual Arizona State Bar Convention.
Hersey Writes about Oral History on Trial for Arizona Attorney Magazine
University of Arizona Law Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Professor Emeritus Robert Hershey writes about Indigenous oral histories as reliable and verifiable sources of evidence on trial. The piece was part of Arizona Attorney Magazine’s special focus on Indian law in its July/August issue.
Dean Miller and Regents Professor Williams Co-Author in Bloomberg Law Encouraging ABA to Repeal Standard 503
Marc L. Miller, dean and Ralph W. Bilby Professor at the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law, and Robert A. Williams Jr., Regents Professor, E. Thomas Sullivan Professor of Law and faculty co-chair of the Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program, and colleagues, wrote a piece in Bloomberg Law titled, ‘It's time to repeal the ABA's law school testing mandate.’ The piece states law schools should be free to individualize admission criteria and they encourage the American Bar Association Council on Legal Education to repeal its 50-year-old Standard 503, which requires almost all applicants for J.D. programs to submit standardized test scores.
Epstein Writes in Los Angeles Times on CDC Revised COVID Guidelines
Wendy Netter Epstein, visiting professor at University of Arizona Law, and a colleague, write in the Los Angeles Times in opposition to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's decision to relax its COVID guidelines last week, leaving decision-making mainly to individuals and local officials who lack public health training. Read the op-ed, ‘The CDC loosened its COVID rules. Who fills in this public health vacuum?’
Newmark Authors Opinion on States School Voucher Program
University of Arizona Law Associate Clinical Professor and Director of the Education Advocacy Clinic Diana Newmark writes an op-ed in the Arizona Daily Star on Arizona's expanded school voucher program.
Antognini Reviews ‘My Body’ for Jotwell
University of Arizona Law Professor Albertina Antognini reviews Emily Ratajkowski’s book My Body (2021) for the Family Law section of Jotwell. Read Antognini's review here.
In the Media
Tribes take a central role in water management as drought and climate change effects worsen
USA Today
Aug. 23, 2022
While Indigenous tribes hold senior water rights in many areas of Arizona, they were left out of most of the discussions about Colorado River management until 2018. Arizona Law Associate Professor Heather Whiteman Runs Him weighs in.
Their pleas for water were long ignored. Now tribes are gaining a voice on the Colorado River.
Yahoo News
Aug. 22
The 1922 Colorado River Compact virtually ignored tribal communities, but amid drought, Indigenous leaders have gained a say in what happens next. Tribes' access to legal assistance to advocate for asserting, protecting and quantifying their water rights has increased over the past 50 years as the Native American Rights Fund and other such organizations were founded. Heather Whiteman Runs Him, the director of the Tribal Justice Clinic, comments.
Why Lake Mead Water Levels Are Rising Again
Aug. 16, 2022
Lake Mead has made national headlines recently due to its rapidly declining water levels. Regents Professor Emeritus Robert Glennon, a water policy and law expert, talks about the largest reservoir in the U.S.
As Public Comment Period Winds Down, Debate Heats Up Over ABA Proposal to Make LSAT Optional
Comments from Dean Marc Miller on whether the American Bar Association should make it optional for law schools to use admissions testing.
What is the Espionage Act?
The Hill
Aug. 13, 2022
The unsealed search warrant the FBI executed at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago property revealed the agency believes former President may have violated the Espionage Act of 1917, among other potential crimes. Law Professor Derek Bambauer said the act is a "core" part of national security law and was designed to allow the government to prosecute people with sensitive information that could put the country's national security at risk.
‘All bad options’ as Biden administration faces Western water crisis
Aug. 13, 2022
Arizona and six other states are struggling to agree on a plan to head off a water and power crisis on the Colorado River. Robert Glennon, Regents Professor Emeritus at University of Arizona Law discusses the history of other conservation efforts.
DRIED UP: Lakes Mead and Powell at epicenter of biggest Western drought in history
Aug. 11, 2022
The American West is experiencing its driest period in human history, a megadrought that threatens health, agriculture and entire ways of life. Regents Professor of Law Robert Glennon comments on the importance of local solutions to solving the issues created by the drought.
Is The PGA Tour Illegally Maintaining A Monopoly?
Aug. 5, 2022
Professor and antitrust expert Barak Orbach weighs in as golfers sue the PGA Tour alleging they are illegally maintaining a monopoly.
What Is Dead Pool Status?
Aug. 5, 2022
Plunging water levels in Lake Mead and Lake Powell could negatively affect millions of people. The former dropped to less than 150 feet from "dead pool" status – when the volume falls to a level so low that water cannot flow downstream from the dam. Regents Professor of Law Robert Glennon comments.
Arizona and California farmers, targets for Colorado river cuts, draft their conservation strategy
Circle of Blue
Aug. 4, 2022
A plan circulating among irrigation districts in Southern Arizona and California would reduce their Colorado River use by as much as 925,000 acre-feet. Such a plan would require billions in funding. Robert Glennon, a water law and policy expert and Regents Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona, said that though the dollar figures may seem high at first glance, they are minuscule compared with the risks involved.
Parkland shooter’s defense attorneys cry as victims’ parents testify
The Washington Post
Aug. 4, 2022
It's rare for attorneys to cry in the courtroom – but during sentencing proceedings for the Parkland shooter his defense attorneys cried as victims parents testified. Keith Swisher, a professor of legal ethics, weighs in.
Jews, Muslims and others say Roe vs. Wade reversal threatens their religious freedom
Los Angeles Times
July 27, 2022
Does the reversal of Roe v. Wade threaten religious freedom? University of Arizona Regents Professor of Law Rebecca Tsosie talks about the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Access to Abortion
The New Yorker
July 25, 2022
University of Arizona Professor of Law Emerita Barbara Atwood writes a letter to the editor in response to a piece about abortion access.