For the Record: Legal Rebel Award, Presentations and Expert Insights on Originalism, Health Equity Initiatives, Water and More
Catch up on recent University of Arizona Law faculty accomplishments.

Jane Named ABA Legal Rebel, Writes for IAALS
Stacy Rupprecht Jane, director of Innovation for Justice, was named one of ABA's 2023 Legal Rebels.
Jane also recently wrote an article on Allied Legal Professionals and the Legal Service Ecosystem that was published by the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS).
Coan Presents at Hugh & Hazel Darling Foundation Conference
Milton O. Riepe Chair in Constitutional Law Andrew Coan presented his new co-authored paper on the original meaning of enumerated powers at the 14th Annual Hugh & Hazel Darling Foundation Originalism Works-in-Progress Conference in San Diego. The paper, The Original Meaning of Enumerated Powers, was one of seven selected through a highly competitive process.
Engel Discusses Stewart Udall’s Impact at Documentary Screening
On January 17, the Udall Center hosted a screening of filmmaker John de Graaf’s new documentary titled “Stewart Udall: The Politics of Beauty.” Professor of Law Kirsten Engel joined a panel after the screening in which they shared their perspectives of how Udall’s work has impacted each of their fields.
Dysart Discusses Originalism and the Rights of Women
On February 2, Assistant Director of Legal Writing Tessa Dysart joined a distinguished panel at Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law’s Center for Constitutional Design for Originalism and the Rights of Women. They addressed the topic of the conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court adopting originalism as its dominant method of constitutional interpretation.
Tsosie Speaks at ACS Student Convention
University of Arizona Regents Professor Rebecca Tsosie will speak at the American Constitution Society’s annual Student Convention. On April 1, Tsosie will be a featured speaker sharing her talk titled “Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Panel.”
Sklar Participates in Arizona Health Law Conference and Annual Meeting
Tara Sklar, faculty director of the Health Law and Policy Program, spoke at the Arizona Health Law Conference and Annual Meeting in a program titled “Health Equity Initiatives and the Lawyer’s Ethical Role.”
Simon’s Book Reviewed in the Daily Journal
California attorney and contributing writer at the Daily Journal, William Domnarski, reviewed Professor Diana Simon’s Book, The (Not Too Serious) Grammar, Punctuation & Style Guide to Legal Writing. More about Simon’s the book here.
Donarski writes, “Diana Simon has written the best and only book you need to get what you write right. That it is fun to read is a bonus.”
In the Media
When did surveillance become a business model – and what would it take to rein it in?
February 20, 2023
Distinguished Professor of Law, Jane Bambauer, speaks to the impact of surveillance on relationships and the related legal ramifications.
Legal Ed Considers Eliminating Admissions Test Standard and Increasing Distance Ed Credits
JD Journal
February 20, 2023
The controversy over Admission Test Standards continues to grow. University of Arizona Law is acknowledged as the first law school to waive the LSAT test requirement.
What Happens if Lake Mead Hits Dead Pool and Hoover Dam Stops Working?
February 18, 2023
Water resources have been a controversial issue in the Southwest in past years. Regents Professor and Morris K. Udall Professor Robert Glennon, comments on the possibility of Lake Mead hitting Dead Pool and failing to pass through Hoover Dam.
The Hardest Part Of Red Flag Laws Isn't Getting Them Passed
February 17, 2023
Tara Sklar discusses where red flag laws fall short. She talks about key variations among the states that have enacted red flag laws and why that impacts implementation.
Legal Ed will resubmit proposed elimination of admissions-test standard and consider increasing distance ed credits
ABA Journal
February 17, 2023
University of Arizona Law is highlighted in the debate over LSAT requirement as the first law school to abolish the requirement.
Do Law Schools Need the LSAT? Here’s How to Understand the Debate.
New York Times
February 17, 2023
Dean Marc Miller and the JD-Next Program were mentioned in a New York Times article discussing the American Bar Association debate over dropping the LSAT test requirement.
Roisman on Doerfler & Moyn on Congressional Supremacy
Legal Theory Blog
February 15, 2023
Associate Professor of Law Shalev Roisman’s piece “Betting it All: A Response to Doerfler and Moyn’s Proposal to Abandon Constitutionalism” is highlighted on Legal Theory Blog.
Foreign domestic legal research requires a strategy
February 15, 2023
Marcelo Rodriguez, foreign, comparative and international law librarian , discusses his method of searching for legal information from foreign countries and other domestic jurisdictions.
Why was the Hoover Dam built?
February 14, 2023
Regents Professor and Morris K. Udall Professor Robert Glennon examines the motivation behind building the Hoover Dam and its status as an engineering marvel.
Local law students partnering with City of Tucson to clear marijuana charges
February 14, 2023
Law student Mia Burcham speaks for the Arizona Marijuana Expungement Coalition as they are highlighted for their project intended to expunge the criminal records of many people convicted on marijuana-related charges.
Tapped out: An Arizona community symbolizes West’s water woes
The Christian Science Monitor
February 13, 2023
The water crisis in Arizona has become a growing issue in recent years. Regent Professor and Morris K. Udall Professor Emeritus Robert Glennon discusses the impact of the depletion of the Colorado River.
Supreme Court Urged to Honor Established Water Rights Doctrine
Native American Rights Fund
February 8, 2023
Associate Clinical Professor and Director of the Tribal Justice Clinic, Heather Whiteman Runs Him, discusses the issue of an adequate water supply for the Navajo Nation.
Supreme Court rulings undermine Indian law
Prism Reports
February 7, 2023
Indian law provides a framework for making decisions about Indigenous sovereignty and peoples. Regents' Professor Rebecca Tsosie discusses the effects of recent Supreme Court rulings that overturned centuries of precedent.
Tyre Nichols' death is the latest example of a minor traffic stop turning deadly, experts say
USA Today
February 7, 2023
Professor of Law Jordan Blair Woods comments on de-escalation during traffic stops following the death of Tyre Nichols during a traffic stop in Memphis, Tennessee.
City of Tucson helping more than 10 thousand people expunge their marijuana records
February 7, 2023
College of Law staff and students mentioned for their collaboration with the City of Tucson in expunging the criminal records of up to 10,000 people with city court convictions for marijuana-related charges.
AMC Theatres will soon charge according to where you choose to sit
February 7, 2023
Barak Orbach, Robert H. Mundheim Professor of Law and Business, discusses the economics of AMC’s recent decision to use variable pricing by charging according to seat location.
Analysis: How Innovative law schools are closing the justice gap
February 6, 2023
Bloomberg Law
The Innovation for Justice Program and it’s director Stacy Rupprecht Jane are highlighted for their collaboration with the Tucson community and their work to close the justice gap.
Plan to end mandate for LSAT, other law school admission exams stalls in key vote
The Washington Post
February 6, 2023
University of Arizona Law Dean Marc L. Miller comments on the American Bar Association’s rejection of a plan to end the mandate for the LSAT.
Admissions test requirement for ABA-accredited law schools will remain in place for now
ABA Journal
February 6, 2023
University of Arizona Law is mentioned as the first law school to accept the GRE and LSAT.