Class of 2023: LLM Grad Looks to Future Practicing Law in New York, Helping Immigrants

Name: Aidos Amirgaliyev
Degree: LL.M.
Hometown: Astana, Kazakhstan
Undergraduate Institution: KazGUU University
Awards, Student Groups, Clinics, Journals, etc.: Bolashaq Scholarship. Member of LLM/SJD students association.
What initially inspired you to attend law school, and has that changed over the course of your studies? In 2014 I had a 2-month internship at Arizona State University where my foreign advisor Professor David Kader explained and showed me how the US Legal System works. After this, I decided to return to the US and obtain a law degree. In 2022, I earned the Bolashaq Scholarship from the Government of Kazakhstan, which covers all expenses of the student. Really, I am very grateful to my home country.
Why did you choose University of Arizona Law for your LLM? University of Arizona is a perfect place for international students. The whole application process is not complicated and if you have any questions or concerns during the application process there is always an advisor at the University who can quickly help you.
What will you miss most about your time at University of Arizona Law? I will miss my international classmates from Bangladesh, Mexico, Qatar, Nigeria, Kenya, France, India, and other countries, and local classmates from Arizona and other states, all faculty and staff of the University, advisors Ernestina Taleb and Professor Andrew Shepherd, Dean Jason Kreag and Dean Willie Jordan-Curtis and all of the Law Library staff.
What was your favorite law school experience or extracurricular activity, and why? My favorite law school experience is getting to read through interesting caselaw. I love reading cases and learning about how judges interpret their decisions. Another great experience was an international movie event about Kazakhstan where I acted as a moderator. This event was co-sponsored by the Cracchiolo Law Library, LLM Association, Global Programs and the Diversity Committee. Thanks to Professor Marcelo Rodriguez who helped with this event.
What are you most proud of while at University of Arizona Law? That I met a lot of wonderful people. Every professor, faculty staff, and student are so generous and kind. Moreover, I am proud to be a part of LLM/SJD Student Association where we tried to help other international law students.
What advice would you give to someone about to begin the LLM program? Go ahead. Do not be shy. Even if you do not know something just ask a professor, classmate, advisor. Also, I would recommend connecting with LLM/SJD Student Association.
Are there any particular issues or causes within the legal system that you are passionate about or want to address in your career? I am thinking about immigration and crimmigration law. These areas of law are close to me. I used to practice Criminal Procedure Law in Kazakhstan. Also being an international student I deeply understand the main issues for immigrants in the US.
What are your future career plans? I would like to pass the Bar exam in New York and be a successful attorney in Big Law.
Message for your fellow Class of 2023: I wish everyone reaches all their goals and be happy and healthy.
Extra Info
For details on University of Arizona Law’s 2023 convocation ceremony, visit