Out of the Shadows: Shedding Light on the Working Conditions of Immigrant Women in Tucson
A Report by the Bacon Immigration Law & Policy Program at the James E.Rogers College of Law and the Southwest Institute for Research on Women (September 2014)

The Bacon Immigration Law & Policy Program worked closely with low-wage immigrant women workers through a legal clinic, the Workers' Rights Clinic. This report is an attempt to document, in broad strokes, the recurring hardships facing immigrant women workers that the Workers' Rights Clinic witnesses. This report is based on one year of field research, between April 2012 and March 2013. Researchers collected 90 surveys from low-wage immigrant women workers and conducted 29 interviews of workers, government officials, and community leaders.
We offer it to inform city and state stakeholders—workers, advocates, employers, government officials and the general public—about the conditions of this vulnerable population. As detailed in the report's final section, we also identify concrete steps the city and state could take to address the recurring abuses and exploitation we document.