Chuck Harrington
Professor of Practice
- J.D. Gonzaga School of Law, Spokane, Washington
Graduated magna cum laude - B.S. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
1976 - B.A. Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington
Work Experience
- Judge
Arizona Superior Court, Pima County, Arizona
1999 - present - Attorney/Partner
Chandler, Tullar, Udall, and Redhair, Tucson, Arizona
1990 - 1999 - Attorney
Snell & Wilmer, previously Bilby & Shoenhair, Tucson, Arizona
1986 - 1990 - Attorney & Law Clerk
Richter, Wimberly and Erickson, Spokane, Washington
1982 - 1986 - Law Clerk
United States District Court, Magistrate Judge Smithore P. Myers, Spokane, Washington
1982 - 1986
Professor of Practice