TechLaw @ Arizona Law
September 28, 2018
Technology is changing the world around us and the law is racing to keep pace. But technology is also changing the practice of law and the administration of justice. TechLaw is a new global initiative based at the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law, created to examine issues on both sides of the law-and-technology nexus, including: privacy, cybersecurity, innovation for justice, quantlaw, regulatory science, and more. Please join University of Arizona Law faculty on September 28 for our launch event with experts from: Google, IBM Watson, NextLaw Labs, ABA Center for Innovation, Metajure, Pew Charitable Trusts, the ACLU, and more.
Daniel B. Rodriguez, Harold Washington Professor & former Dean, Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law.
8-9 Check In and Breakfast
Snell and Wilmer Courtyard
9-9:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks
Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie Lobby
Marc Miller, Dean & Ralph W. Bilby Professor of Law, University of Arizona College of Law
9:15–10:30 Panel 1: Is California’s New Privacy Law Awesome, Awful, or Somewhere in Between?
Jane Bambauer, Professor, University of Arizona College of Law (@JaneYakowitz)
- Matt Cagle, Technology and Civil Liberties Attorney, ACLU of Northern California (@Matt_Cagle)
- Cathy Gellis, Independent Counsel (@CathyGellis)
- Sarah Holland, Public Policy, Google
- Ronald Lee, Partner, Arnold & Porter (@arnoldporter)
10:30–10:45 Break
10:45–12 Panel 2: Regulating Tech: Are Robots the Problem or Are Humans?
Andrew Woods, Associate Professor, University of Arizona College of Law (@andrewkwoods)
- Shawnna Childress, Co-Leader, Watson Legal, IBM
- Larry Head, Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona (@UA_ENGR_Larry_H)
- Eric Jensen, Professor, Brigham Young University School of Law
- Gary Marchant, Regents’ Professor, Arizona State University College of Law (@GaryMarchant1)
12–1:30 Keynote Lunch
Daniel B. Rodriguez, Harold Washington Professor & former Dean, Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law (@DBRodriguez5)
(The keynote will be livestreamed on this page.)
1:30–2:45 Panel 3: Innovation for Justice: Can Technology Disrupt Elite Law?
Stacy Rupprecht Jane, Director, Innovation for Justice, University of Arizona College of Law (@stacyrbutler4)
- Stacey Marz, Director of Self-Help Services, Alaska State Court System (@staceymarz)
- Joyce Raby, Executive Director, Florida Justice Technology Center (@jaraby)
- Erika Rickard, Senior Officer, Pew Charitable Trusts Civil Justice Innovation Project (@thisrickard)
- Miguel Willis, Program Director, Access to Justice Technology Fellows (@atjtechfellows)
2:45–3 Break
3–4:15 Panel 4: The Future of the Profession
Kevin Harrang, Director, Metajure
- Daniel Lewis, CEO, Ravel Law (@lewis_daniel)
- Maya Markovich, Head of Product, Nextlaw Labs
- Mike Miller, Director BizTech Leader, Amazon
- Brad Vynalek, Partner, Quarles & Brady
4:15–5 Cocktail Reception
Snell and Wilmer Courtyard
Registration is closed.
Bernadette Wilkinson
Senior Program Coordinator, College Programming & Outreach
(520) 626-1629