Workers' Rights Clinic

The Workers' Rights Clinic is closed indefinitely.

Click here for employment referrals in English and here for Spanish.

The Workers' Rights Clinic at the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law is dedicated to training the next generation of lawyers through close supervision and hands-on experience in direct client representation, community education and outreach, and policy research and writing.

Our work focuses on the intersection of immigration, employment and labor laws to support the rights of low-wage workers from immigrant communities throughout Arizona. We are the only clinic in the state that provides free legal services to low-wage workers and that operates a Worker Hotline. Our students begin with the desire to serve underrepresented communities and leave armed with the knowledge and on-the-ground experience necessary to excel in any legal career path they choose. 


COVID-19 Resources

Get answers to questions about Arizona workers' leave and benefits rights during the coronavirus pandemic. Obtenga respuestas de preguntas sobre derechos de beneficios y ausencias para trabajadores en Arizona durante la pandemia coronavirus.

Legal Resources / Recursos Legales

Explore our "Know Your Rights" information packet in English and Spanish and our Referral Guide with legal and community information. Explora nuestros paquetes de información de “conocer sus derechos” en español e inglés y nuestra Guía de Referencia con información legal y de comunidad. 


Request Legal Assistance

Questions about your rights at work? Contact us to schedule an appointment. ¿Tiene preguntas sobre sus derechos en el trabajo? Contáctenos para programar una cita.

Contact Us / Contáctenos

Support our Work

Your support of the Workers' Rights Clinic ensures we can continue seeking justice for low-income workers. Help us protect the health, safety and economic survival of essential, frontline immigrant workers.

Donate Now

"The Workers’ Rights Clinic has been one of the most important things I’ve done in law school. Having the opportunity to provide direct representation for someone gave me the sense of obligation that I think is so critical in law. I had the opportunity to be someone’s advocate. It was an incredible feeling."

-Jeff Herrera ('20)

Watch Professor Shefali Milczarek-Desai discuss "Immigrant Workers' Rights, Fears, and Public Health Consequences" as part of University of Arizona Law's LawCats Live webinar series

Watch a preview from Arizona Public Media of "The Cleaners," made by award-winning documentary filmmaker Lisa Molomot and her undergraduate law film class. The documentary tells the story of Workers' Rights Clinic students and supervisors working together to achieve justice for low-wage immigrant workers in Tucson.