Specialize in Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy
The University of Arizona Law is the only law school in the world offering all three graduate degrees in the field (JD, LLM, and SJD), as well as a Master of Legal Studies and Master of Professional Studies, with a concentration in Indigenous peoples law and policy.
JD Certificate
As part of completing the requirements to earn a Juris Doctor (JD) degree, students can develop a concentration in federal Indian law, tribal law and policy, and Indigenous peoples' human rights through the Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy (IPLP) Program.
Master of Laws (LLM)
The Master of Laws (LLM) degree provides students who have completed a Juris Doctor or LL.B. to specialize in federal Indian law, tribal law and policy, and Indigenous peoples' human rights through a full-time or part-time program, available online or in-person.
Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD)
The Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) degree offers candidates an intellectually challenging opportunity for academic specialization. Candidates for the SJD conduct research and produce original scholarship under the guidance of IPLP's internationally renowned faculty.
Master of Legal Studies (MLS)
The Master of Legal Studies (MLS) degree can be pursued by students without previous law training, as well as lawyers. As part of the MLS, students can specialize in Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy through a full-time or part-time program, available online or in-person.
Master of Professional Studies (MPS)
The Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Indigenous Governance is a graduate level degree program designed for students interested in Indigenous governance, nation building, and community and economic development within Indigenous communities.
Graduate Certificate (GC)
The Graduate Certificate (GC) in Indigenous Governance provides graduate level executive education and leadership development for those interested in Indigenous governance. The GC is the accelerated version of our MPS degree, requiring twelve (12) credits of course work to be completed within two years.
Tribal Courts and Justice Administration Undergraduate Certificate
The Tribal Courts and Justice Administration Undergraduate Certificate is designed to provide a strong foundation in the workings of tribal courts and justice systems for students wishing to pursue careers connected to the administration of justice in Indian country.
Continuing Education Certificate
The Continuing Education Certificate (CEC) in Indigenous Governance is a non-credit professional development certificate that allows individuals to take part in courses taught by renowned faculty, covering a wide variety of topics related to Indigenous governance.
IPLP Courses
The Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy (IPLP) Program offers a wide range of intellectually rigorous courses. Students can take courses and clinics related to federal Indian law, tribal law and policy, and indigenous peoples’ human rights. View a full list of IPLP Courses.
Courses taught by IPLP faculty include:
- Federal Indian Law
- Addressing Domestic Violence
- Jurisdiction in Indian Country
- Law and Culture
- Tribal Courts & Tribal Law
- Law of Gaming & Gambling
- Native American Natural Resources
- Indian Energy Law
- Tribal Jurisdiction for All Lawyers
- Child, Tribe & State
- Critical Race Practice
- International Human Rights and Indigenous Peoples
- International Environmental Law
January in Tucson Courses
January in Tucson (JIT) is a three-week intensive program of courses that draws an international group of tribal leaders and other professionals who learn together and share ideas about how to strengthen Indigenous governance. For three weeks each year, the JIT intensive education session brings together distinguished faculty in the field of Indigenous governance and Indigenous rights, and gives them the opportunity to teach and hold discussions with Indigenous leaders, practitioners, and community members, as well as other individuals interested in Indigenous affairs.
Key Contact
Justin Boro
Assistant Director, Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program
Email: justinboro1986@email.arizona.edu
Office Number: RH 305
Office Phone: (520) 626-9224